


▲ 제1회 GLAU문화축제 ‘솔향기 시화전’, 15~20일 갤러리 라메르서 개최





チョン・ミョンソク(鄭明析)総会長は1995年月刊「文芸思潮」を通して、詩人として登壇しベストセラー詩集「霊感の詩」を発表した。このほかベトナム戦争参戦記「戦争は残忍だった。愛と平和だ」、説教集「命の御言葉」多数、明け方の説教集「明け方の壇上」、箴言集「天の言葉 私の言葉1~19」、詩集「霊感の詩1~3」、「詩で語る」、「詩の女」、「出会い」、宣教会教理集「救いの御言葉」などの著書を出した。2011年、世界的な絵画展「アルゼンチンアートフェア」で代表作家に選ばれ、優れた作品性が認められ、12回の個展を開いた。


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>

The 1st GLAU Cultural Festival "Solhyanggi Sihwa Exhibition" will be held at Gallery La Mercer from 15th to 20th

The first GLAU cultural festival "Solhyanggi Sihwa Exhibition," hosted by the Global Love Practice Union (GLAU), will be held at Gallery La Mer in Insa-dong, Seoul, from the 15th to the 20th.

The Solhyanggi Poetry Exhibition featured poems and paintings by 10 other major poets and artists.

The major poet's poem, "God tells us to live with a mask," contains a message of reflection on the importance of everything and life through the Corona era.

In addition, nine works, including the poem "Fate," by Chung Myung-seok, president of the Christian Gospel Church, will be exhibited at the exhibition. Chung Myung-seok's exhibition work also included a poem, "Tears," written with longing and sorrow after hearing the urgent news of his elderly mother during his overseas mission in the 2000s.

Chung Myung-seok, president of the General Assembly, appeared as a poet through the monthly Literary Society in 1995 and released a best-selling collection of poems, "The Poems of Inspiration." Other than that, the Vietnam War "war was brutal. He has published books such as "Love and Peace," "Words of Life," "Dawn podium," "Speak of Heaven" and "Poems of Inspiration 1-3," "Speak of Poems," "Meeting," and "Saving Words," a missionary's doctrine book. He was selected as a representative artist at the 2011 world-class painting exhibition "Argentina Art Fair" and was recognized for his outstanding work and held 12 solo exhibitions.

The exhibition is free of charge and runs from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Meanwhile, the Global Love Practice Union is a sharing organization in which leaders in various fields across the country aim to make society bright and healthy.

記事原文 : [ブレイクニュース] https://www.breaknews.com/900674
