뉴스_월명동 소식

A Children’s Day Event held to commemorate the 93rd children’s day


 ▲  Giving glory on the lawn of the Natural Temple

An event to commemorate the 93rd children’s day was organized by the Christian Gospel Mission (CGM), and was held on May 5, 2015 on the Wolmyeongdong (WMD)  lawn and the sports field.

This year, the Children’s Day celebration was held during the same period as the 3rd Flower Queen Festival. Approximately 15,000 members of CGM, comprising both children and adults, attended the ceremony. In addition to the ceremony, there were activities prepared for the participants to enjoy, such as an art experience booth.

▲  Children drawing at the Pond Gazebo, participating in the Hope Tree Art Festival.

 ▲  People drawn to the pictures displayed at the free instant photo booth

When the Children’s Day ceremony ended, the children and parents sang praises and offered prayers to the Trinity on the stage of the WMD Natural Temple. When the praising time began and the children came onto the stage to cheer dance, everyone on the lawn also arose and gave glory with cheer dance. It was a beautiful scene.


▲  The Marching Band giving glory

 ▲  Children at the face painting booth


The attractions at the event were: the food booths, the Milky Way Hope Tree Art Festival, pottery making, face painting, free instant photos, various programs such as the ‘Daily Life Coaching’ program and the ‘Lecture 100 degree’ program. Also, Pastor Jung Beom Seok, the head of the WMD Training Center, presented free balloons to the children who visited WMD. 

Numerous small marching bands made up of a few adults and children performed in various locations throughout WMD. Those marching bands fueled the excitement of the event. This event showed the Trinity’s love and grace for the children. 
