뉴스_월명동 소식

‘Eco-Healing’, healing the mind and body along the Wolmyeongdong walking trail

In order to relieve the stress of busy daily life and to take the energy from the forest into one’s exhausted mind and body, many are trying ‘Eco-Healing’ these days. ‘Eco-Healing’ means ‘to restore the power of healing within nature and to enjoy a life of having a healthy mind and body.’ People who visit the forest for ‘Eco-Healing’ walk on dirt in barefeet or inhale the fresh air that the trees of the forest produce. 

Let’s have a time of ‘Eco-Healing’,  going along the walking trail that leads to Geuk-ki peak of Wolmyeongdong. In addition, you will have time to have realizations and gain wisdom as you read the proverbs that are posted every few steps. 

So that the walking trail does not lack anything as a healing walking trail, it was made in such a way that along the trail, people are able to see proverbs that contain the wisdom of Heaven, wisdom about things such as the eyes of the thoughts, putting things into practice, and taking action. Because of the trees that have become a deep green color for summer, you can also feel beautiful, elegant Wolmyeongdong to a greater degree. 

The trail signs are put up along the way to Geuk-ki peak so that the people who are going there for the first time will not have difficulty finding the path. When an adult walks slowly up to Geuk-ki peak without resting, it takes 50 minutes to one hour. If you go along the walking trail, you can take the fresh energy into your whole body because of the cool breeze that blows through the trees and the strong smell of earth and grass of the forest. The trail in the forest undulates gently, so it is not boring, and because of the views of the mountains that you can see sparsely, one’s suffocated heart can open wide. 


On the Forest Charter, it is written, ‘The forest is a living foundation where life is breathing. Fresh air, clean water, and fertile soil are produced by the forest and the vitality of all lives is produced by a healthy, diverse, and beautiful forest.’ I hope that you will come to Wolmyeongdong, which is surrounded by a forest that is a living foundation where life is breathing, and take in all the energy of the forest, and have the time to straighten your mind and heart while reading the proverbs. 

The sunshine among the trees flows into the forest, as if it were shining light into the darkness in our hearts, so that peace may flow into our hearts. 

The breeze that blows through the forest will also provide us with feeling of freshness, energy, and passion. Worries will fall like the fallen leaves of autumn and disappear. I hope that you will have a time like this of ‘Eco-Healing’ in Wolmyeongdong. 
