뉴스_월명동 소식

Wolmyeongdong after Lunar New Year’s Day, white snow came down


 The Tiger Rock was fully covered with snow from this morning 


 One family stopped by my mother's blue roof house and said hello .


 Someone was praying on top of the Holy Son Rock.

Right after the Lunar New Year’s daybreak  on February 12th, it snowed. The roads froze since it snowed a lot in the morning. When I looked at Wolmyeongdong covered by the white snow, it seemed like Winter had come back .

Even in this severely  cold weather, people came to Wolmyeongdong with their families, with  church members or alone and made stories with the Lord. When I saw a member climb upon the Holy Son Rock even though the wind was blowing strongly , it was very inspiring.

The children were laughing brightly, running around all over the sports field, and fighting  with snowballs, and  one family was visiting  my mother’s blue roof house. With this scenery, it seemed as if every place in Wolmyeongdong was filled with joy and hope. To everyone who comes to Wolmyeongdong, please feel the joy and hope, fill it in your heart, and take it with you.
