뉴스_월명동 소식

The snowy landscape of Wolmyeongdong


 The place to go sledding is the Natural Temple. ^^ Hehe


 Doesn’t it look like a person’s face? ^^


 A bench where snow is thickly piled up...


 Even the pond is frozen~


 It looks like snow flowers are blooming on the tree.


 This is one of the windows in the Culture Center. The snow crystals are so pretty.


 Above the Culture Center, there are three Crape Myrtle trees, and I think the colors of the trees are really beautiful.


 The scenery where the Zinnia trees are... This place becomes a field of dandelions in early summer.


 There is an icicle on the tree. ^^ Hehehe


  White birches are always white, but because of the snow, they look even whiter~


This is where the turtle rock and the dinosaur rock are. Not only does this place always look majestic but the snowy landscape is fantastic as well. ^^

Because the weather is cold, the snow doesn’t seem like it is going to melt. ^^

Regardless, I thank God for allowing us to see such beautiful scenery.

No matter how many times I see it, the world of God’s creation is amazing…

God is awesome!! >_<
