
June National JS Department United Prayer Assembly

▲Everyone becoming one in heart and confessing their love to the Lord.

After the JS department set a 40 day conditional prayer, [I] headed to Wolmyeongdong (WMD) from early pre-dawn with a new heart determined to rapture by all means and to always live together with our beloved Lord.


The National JS Department United Prayer Assembly was set to meet at 11 AM, but when I arrived at the cultural center in WMD at 10, the seats were already filled. Was it because it was a prayer assembly held after setting the 40 days pre-dawn conditional prayer? Even before the assembly started, the hearts of the JS department members were already burning to meet the Lord and to show their love for the Holy Son Lord.


Since there were not enough seats in the cultural center, 200 seats and shade were provided outside. Nevertheless, so many people gathered that even the seats outside were not enough. It was an event where an unexpected amount of people gathered, but people kept everything in order until the end. The sight of it was beautiful.


The prayer assembly began with testimonies of grace that the JS department received during their 40 day prayer condition and then with a special song full of dedication and love sang by 60 JS department members from the Busan region. The event ended after a special lecture by the famous lecturer, Pastor Joo, Pil-Seung, and after a time of confessing faith.


Pastor Joo Pil-Seung explained about an inspiration he received from a straw bag of grain and chaff and said that he began to proceed with touring the nation in order to prepare the way for the Lord and to smoothen out the shortcut. He taught about the things that we need to prepare in order to become straw bags of grain, and he explained in an easy and detailed way about the things that we must prepare during the time of spiritual rapture.


Also, [Pastor Joo Pil-Seung] said that Peter became Jesus’ favorite disciple and apostle when he confessed his faith. He hoped that we, as individuals, would meet the Lord and spiritually rapture through the confession of our faith.


All members who joined The National JS Department United Prayer Assembly rejoiced and confessed their faith with a trembling heart. In the end, they also had a time of determining their hearts to truly become Holy Son Lord’s bride and to truly fulfill His will.


Even the JS members who joined with their young children on this cool day were all able to listen to the Word in a comfortable environment. Truly, we felt that WMD is our resting place and gave thanksgiving and glory to the Trinity who was with us.


Article by Hyun Joo Kim, Head of the Word Department
Photos by  Sung Gil Kim, In Su Park and Yoo Shin Kim


▲ Special song from the Busan region

▲Giving glory to the Lord through worship.


▲ Listening to the Word outside


▲  Rejoicing while listening to the Word
