
The standard of valueby 밤바맨



There is this “penny-wise and pound-foolish” old saying that means you get what you pay for. This is also one of my wife’s nitpicking lines to me who likes words like “clearance sale,” “product of the month,” “huge sale,” and etc. [If the saying is true], then wouldn’t every cheap object have value in them?

A couple of days ago, my daughter asked me a question about this [one] word in a book that she did not know. “Dad, what does ‘value’ mean?”

“It has a similar meaning to ‘worth.’”

“Then, do you mean that having no value means there is no worth in them?”

“That is correct. You know how things like gold and diamonds are pricey. It means that those [things] have that much value.”

After answering her in this way, I thought, “Air doesn’t cost anything but that doesn’t mean it has  no value…”. Come to think of it, the things of the world and their values get determined according to its price. However true worth stems from our feeling of need for a certain thing. It is just like how trust, hope, and love is.”
