
This is Providence history that fulfilled the Will, by the Trinity accompanying us and by us taking action without stopping, even though there were tribulations and hardships.

본문 .



[Preacher] Pastor Jung Myung Seok

[Scriptures] Romans 5:3-4

We also glory in our suffering, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Immediately after Jesus was born,

King Herod and the religious people of that time period tried to kill Jesus out of ignorance.

So, the baby Jesus took refuge in Egypt for a short time.

When Jesus returned to Jerusalem and preached the New Testament gospel,

the religious people under the Law of that time period persecuted Jesus again.

So, Jesus went to a neighboring gentile nation and preached the gospel there.

After Jesus went to the gentile world and preached the gospel,

he returned to Jerusalem when the time came, bore the sins of the time period, and was crucified.


Even though tribulation broke out as a result of the world disbelieving and persecuting,

the Almighty God still fulfilled all the Will of the time period.

Even if people face difficulties, they still do the things they should do, even as they are suffering.

Individuals, families, nations, and the world, too–while doing the work they need to do,

even though there are difficulties, suffering, and persecution,

they exist by establishing themselves, their families, their nations, and the world.

In the same way, God’s salvation history too,

even though there were all kinds of suffering, persecution, disbelief, and difficulties,

all the Will was carried out and the Will was fulfilled!

Everyone faces times of tribulations.

Do not think that you will only incur losses during times of tribulations.

You will gain things you should gain and even fulfill your hopes through that process.

I pray for you to fulfill the Will now by knowing that the Trinity accompany you

and by taking action until the end, even though there are tribulations and hardships.

3/5/2017 2:58:40 PM