
With a seed, a golden field is made

본문 .

[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok       

[Scriptures] Romans 9:7-8


 7 Nor because they are his descendants are they all Abraham’s children. On the contrary, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.” 8 In other words, it is not the children by physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring.

Romans 9:29

29 It is just as Isaiah said previously:

“Unless the Lord Almighty

    had left us descendants,

we would have become like Sodom,

    we would have been like Gomorrah.”

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

A seed is powerful. Because from a single seed, a tremendous history is created.

After a farmer grows and harvests rice, the first thing he does is pick out ‘good rice seeds’ from among the harvested grain. 

If ten thousand sacks of grain were produced, then one sack of rice to be used as rice seed is produced.

Ten thousand sacks of grain end after being cooked and eaten. 

And one sack of the selected rice seeds is sown again, is grown and produces a golden field.

Good rice seed determines the success or failure of that year’s crops.

That is why seeds are extremely important.

Fruit farming is also done not with fruit, but with seeds.

With a single seed, the year's fruits are grown and a harvest of fruits is made possible.

Seeds produce hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands of times as much as the number of seeds.

Whatever is not seed ends as just a grain of rice and ends as just a single fruit.

That is why God carries out history with seed.

It is because only then will the entire world be made into ‘God’s golden field history.’ 

Jesus was the seed of the New Testament sons.

He was the seed whom God predestined, chose and sent out.

Therefore, through that one person, the New Testament history of golden fields was carried out. 

The person God sent for that time period is ‘the seed.

The new history that God carries out through him is also ‘the seed.’

It became a golden field because all mankind were saved through that seed.

And it became a golden field because God's will was fulfilled through that seed.

A single seed turns the entire world into a golden field.

Grains and fruit come to an end after being eaten. However, a seed is not grain or fruit that comes to an end after being eaten. It plays the role of falling to the ground, sprouting and flourishing.

The lives of the new time period who believed in 'the person God sent to that time period who is like the seed,' heard the Word that he delivers and came to the new history of God are also seeds.

A single seed will flourish continually 100 times, 1000 times, 10,000 times and even 100,000 times.

Only the seed makes a golden field.

Therefore, a seed life does not live a life of eating and enjoying physically and end with that, but like a seed falling to the ground, sprouting and making a golden field, a seed life plays the role of saving and rapturing his own soul and spirit and saving and rapturing lives.

Seeds are weak at first. However, as time passes, they prosper more and more.

Abraham also decided that ‘Isaac’ would be the seed for the future generations and when time passed, his tribe became as numerous as the stars in the sky.
The same is true in this time period also. 
A single seed flourishes a thousand or ten thousand fold and makes the entire world into a golden field.

The one sent for the time period is ‘the seed.’

The new history is ‘the seed.’

The new lives of the new history are ‘the seeds.’

Therefore, they are few in number. 

However, because they are seeds, they have covered the entire world.

When you look at it spiritually, the body is the seed.

If your body becomes the seed and sacrifices itself for your spirit’s salvation and rapture, your spirit will sprout and grow anew, and so you will reap thousands or tens of thousands of times as much.

Just as you sow seed and reap grain, you sow the seed of your body and reap the grain of your spirit.

That is, you sow with your body and reap with your spirit.

That is, you plant with your body and come to life with your spirit.

I bless all of you to sow and plant the seeds of your body for your spirits, and flourish hundreds of times, thousands of times and tens of thousands of times through the rapture!

Although a seed is sacrificed and sown in the ground, as a result of that seed, thousands, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of times more grain is harvested.

This is the glory of a seed.

Seeds are fewer than the total number of grains harvested.

However, through those seeds, the new history is made for the future and the descendants. This is the value of a seed.

You have to make your life a seed, and sow it for your spirit and for the lives.

Only then can you become a seed life.

God does not consider everyone to be the same seed.

He chooses people according to each department and area, and considers them to be the seed of individuality.

There are hundreds of types of seed such as seeds of love, seeds of various missions, seeds of finances, seeds of evangelism and so on.

I bless all of you to know the value of a seed, know what kind of seed you are, and do the mission of a seed according to your individuality!

Seeds must be taken good care of and then sown into a fertile field.

In this way, in order to be a seed and do the mission of a seed, you must be sown in God’s new history, the place that God wants!

To be a seed is to only give thanks and to only give love.

Therefore, God takes as seeds,

- those who always rejoice, are thankful and smile,

- who are examples to everyone,

- and who will give glory in beautiful and shining ways and love the Holy Trinity,

and God cherishes them and makes a golden field by sowing and planting them!

I urge you to make yourself into a good seed!

I bless everyone to become good seeds and be sown!

<The summary of Wednesday Message by Pastor Jung Myeong Seok on Nov. 11th, 2015>

11/12/2015 4:48:00 PM