
Think of the owner through looking at the symbol.

본문 .

[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok
[Scriptures] Luke 21:27

At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

Even if you see with your eyes and hear with your ears, if you think, look and listen half-heartedly and superficially, [what you see or hear] is like a passing wind. Therefore it does not make a difference whether you see it or hear it or not. You need to be someone who is wise, who sees the <symbols> as ‘parables’ and realizes from them.

A symbol is shown in order to reveal the owner, who is the core. The purpose is to make you think of the owner by [showing] you the symbol. If you are bound to the symbol, you cannot see the owner; therefore both your faith and your heart will remain dead.

Even if you are shown a rock and told this symbolizes a certain person, that person’s flesh or bones are not like a rock. It means you should look at the rock and think of that person. A symbol plays the indirect role of a bridge so that you will think about that person. [A symbol is used so that] you would ‘know the core, the owner by looking at the symbol.

When a certain person’s name is written down, people touch only that writing. [It was written] so that people would look at what had been written and think about that person. The symbol plays the role of a bridge. However, people have conversations while touching only the symbol.

God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son too – at first, They converse with people by using rocks, trees, or various things in creation, which are symbols. However, the reason They do that is not so that people will just look at that [part of] creation but so that they will look at those symbols and think about ‘God, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Son and the Lord,’ who are the core and converse and commune with Them.

By showing [us] creation that are, the symbolic entities and representative objects [God intended] to enlighten us about the core, the owner, the master of creation.
Since people live forgetting the owner, it’s intended for people to see symbols with their eyes and think of the owner.

Not only are things in creation symbols, people are also symbols. Those people are sent as symbols for the sake of the core, the owner. Such people were people in the Old Testament.

God, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Son tell you things symbolically through dreams, things in creation and the Word so that you will realize. You must not be bound to one thing, you need to realize and understand both sides.

I bless you to engrave today’s message in your heart so that you will think about and realize the core when looking at the symbol.

7/9/2015 4:30:47 PM