
There are 'two paths' before you. However, if you do according to God's Will, there is only 'one path'.

본문 .



Message: Pastor Jung Myeong Seok


John 4:34

"My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.

John 5:30
By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me. 


I bless all of you to be filled abundantly with the love of the eternal God, the grace of the Holy Son, and the working of the Holy Spirit's fiery love, inspiration and movement.

No matter what you do, if we look at it on a big scale, 'two paths' always appear before you. These paths are the 'path centering on yourself' and the 'path that God and the Holy Son want'.

If so, when do 'two paths' appear before you?

When you are having your own thoughts, your own perspectives two paths, the 'path you want' and the 'path that God and the Holy Son want' appear before you. The reason is this: we live with 'physical bodies', so whenever we do not become one with God, we always think thoughts of the body. However, whenever you discard your own will and take action according to the Will of God and the Holy Son before you, there is always only 'one path, [the path] that God and the Holy Son want'.

Since this is so, how can we discard 'our own will', take action according to 'God's Will' and go forth choosing that one path?

You must not look only at the present reality. If you look only at the present reality, you will only receive an 'answer you calculated from looking only at the present reality'. If you look at the future, there will be an 'answer that pertains to the future'. Whatever you do, you must not look only at the present but look at everything, even the future. Then you will find the 'answers that pertain to the future', and according to the 'Will of God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son' you will choose the 'one path'. However, even if you have discarded your own thoughts and perspectives and are taking action according to Heaven's Will, entrusting everything to the Trinity, [it does not mean] that matter will simply work out no matter what.

Even for God the 'time' has to come. Then He will take action. As He operates the 'Earth' and the 'seasons', God takes action according to timeTherefore, He does not do things stopping the 'Earth' nor stopping the 'seasons' when the time has not yet come.

Even if we are doing things according to 'God's Will', we also must wait until the time comes. If you are waiting, you should pray and set conditions so that you can gain

How difficult it is to choose 'which path' to take when 'two paths' appear before you! Only those who have experienced this will know [how difficult it is].

There are 'two paths' but you can only take 'one path'. When it is difficult to know and discern which path to take you must pray and decide to take the 'side of God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son', the Ones who know, and take it.

2/6/2015 2:03:15 PM