
Wait a minute.

본문 .



Message: Pastor Jung Myeong Seok


Matthew 19:17

“Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”        

John 14:15

“If you love me, keep my commands. …”

Hallelujah! I bless all of you to be filled abundantly with the love of the eternal God, the grace of the Holy Son, and the fiery love, inspiration, movement, and working of the Holy Spirit.

You will hear the Holy Son’s voice saying, “Wait a minute!” in your ‘heart’ in your everyday life. When that happens, you should stop on the path you were travelling, stop what you were doing, stop your thoughts, stop your deeds, meet with the Holy Son even if for only a short time, and not give up but turn back around and take action.

Whenever we are doing something incorrectly or whenever we think in a way that is disagreeable with the Holy Son, He calls us, saying, “Wait a minute! That’s not it.” At these moments, you must think again, think correctly, and then act.

The reason one speaks using the words, “Wait a minute!” instead of calling your ‘name’, is to point you out by saying, “Look at what you are doing/thinking right now. You must not do that.” and to correct your perception about the ‘work you should do’ and make it come to mind by giving you inspiration.

From the past and until now, the Holy Son has been using the words “Wait a minute!” and blocking me from doing things I should not do, keeping me from ‘harm’, and having me gain the ‘things I should gain’. He leads us through life. Therefore, I urge you to always keep these words in mind and keep them engraved in your heart as you go about.

I pray that with the words, “Wait a minute!” all of you will live the life of victory, the life of miracles every day.

1/19/2015 12:02:10 PM