
Don’t just bear with it* but get out of there

본문 .

(* Translation note: 참다 could mean to endure or bear with, to refrain from doing something or to control yourself so you don’t take action.)

[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok


2 Corinthians 5:1

For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, 

we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.

Colossians 1:5

The faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven 

and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

Today, I am going to talk about how to not sin and not do unrighteous deeds.

People are affected a lot by what they see with their eyes and what they hear with their ears.

Even adults or even people who have made themselves will be affected by what they see with their eyes and what they hear with their ears because they are people.

Let’s say that you see a sexual act happening before your eyes.

When that happens, you are affected by what your eyes see, so even if your heart does not want to, your thoughts will turn toward that in an instant.

If you are told to just control yourself when it is continually visible to your eyes, it will be hard to control yourself.

At that moment, both your thoughts and body must immediately get out of that domain.
Telling someone to refrain from doing something while letting them stay in that domain 
is like telling them to open their eyes but to not look at the world.

For example, if you think about fighting with your brothers or get into an actual fight with your brothersthe fight will not end just because you control yourself.

Instead of controlling yourself, get out of that environment and that domain immediately. 
Get out of there in both body and heart.
If you do, a problem that cannot be solved by controlling yourself will be solved.

I will explain one more thing.

You know about grenades, right?

A grenade explodes after the safety pin is pulled out.

It should never explode unless the safety pin is pulled out.

However, there are times when a grenade will explode regardless of the safety pin.

If a grenade is heated on a hot stove, then it will explode regardless of the safety pin.

Your heart and thoughts are the safety pin in a grenade.

Even if you don’t do anything with your heart and thoughts like leaving the safety pin intact, 

if heat is continually applied to either your body or your thoughtsit will eventually blow up like a grenade.

People try to solve problems by using the method, “Refrain three times a day. Endure everything!” 

However, there are only specific things you should endure.

The method of solving problems by enduring will fail in most cases.

Therefore, rather than enduring, a far better way and the absolute method to solve the problem is to get out of that environment.

If you do, neither your heart nor your body will sin.

God does not keep you in the domain of death, the environment of unrighteousness 

and then tell you "refrain!" and make you set conditions. 

Instead, He makes you get out of there and set the conditions while not seeing and not hearing.

Therefore, after hearing today's message, don't remain in that environment and domain, 

and don't just refrain from doing wrong while seeing with your eyes and hearing with your ears. 

Instead, come out of the domain of sin, the environment of unrighteousness.

I bless all of you to become the people who come into God’s domain and take action without hesitation

12/3/2015 9:56:12 PM