
If you don’t do it, you will end up forgetting it.

본문 .

[Message] Pastor Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures] James 2:14,17

14 ) What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but had no deeds? Can such a faith save them?

 17) In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

Whether it is something you were good at, something beneficial or work of faith that you need to do, if you don’t do it, you will forget.

Even if you were so good at drawing before, if you don’t do it, you forget and cannot draw well. And even with something you memorized before, if you don’t think of it, you forget, right?

In this way, even with something you were good at before, if you don’t do it, you will forget. Your senses will become dull. Your skills will decrease.

Then eventually they forget it completely and cannot even remember. 

If you don’t want to forget, you must do it every day.

This is ‘life’ and ‘daily life.’ Life is continuous.

Those who take action everyday are strong!

Those who take action everyday will become good at it!

If you take action on something every day, you will not forget the things you did well before,  you will not forget the things you memorized before, and your <senses and skills> will improve.

It is true with a life of faith too.

You have to do it every day. If you stop along the way or try to do it again after stopping, you can’t do it well because both your senses and feeling for the work have weakened.

That is why people give up saying that it doesn't work well.


It is a life of taking action every day.

It is to truly commune with the Trinity and the Lord every day and to truly love Them every day.

You rise to ‘a higher and more ideal level’ gradually while living with the Trinity and the Lord every day and taking action according to God’s Will every day.

Consider the body.

If you exercise and manage yourself every day, 

you become stronger and you can do ‘higher-level things.’

If you lift a barbell every day, your arm strength will improve. 

From that point on, you will be able to lift ‘even heavier things.’

The same is true with running. 

If you don’t run every day, you will be short of breath even if you run just 300m. 

If you run every day, you will easily run 2000m and even further. 

Likewise, the human brain, thoughts and body make progress the more a person takes action every day for more ideal things.

The same is true with actions.

Like climbing stairs, you have to first take action at ‘the first stage.’

If you do, you will achieve transformation at that level, and then in that spot you will see ‘what you should do better.’

And if you take action on that again, you will gain ‘something better.’
Through taking action, you will progress to the next position. 

After listening to today's message, I bless you to raise your level everyday and take action with a heart of wanting to do things more ideally so that you can gain a lot and enjoy a lot  

10/12/2015 11:08:41 AM