
Four conditions the Trinity gave

본문 .



[Message] Pator Jung Myeong Seok

[Scriptures] Matthew 5:20
For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.

Hallelujah! I bid you the love of the eternal God and the peace of the Holy Son.

In order to go to Heaven, there are four basic conditions that [people] must definitely meet. Only then will they be qualified, and only then will God, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Son be satisfied. I will tell you about those four conditions.

This is the first condition. You have to be better than Lucifer, Satan, the devil, who is God’s enemy, traitor, the disobedient and the one who was driven out of Heaven.
You must defeat the deceptions, various kinds of opposition and various kinds of cunning work of Satan and the devil. You must absolutely listen to the Trinity’s Word and obey it, and thus live according to the Trinity’s thoughts.

This is the second condition.

You must defeat those who betrayed God’s history, left, and are slandering and doing crafty things in order to deceive the believers. You must completely reject and defeat their various slanderous writings, lies and deceptions by arming yourself strongly with the Word, arming yourself strongly with the Trinity’s thoughts and praying powerfully in the name of the Trinity and the Lord.

This is the third condition.

You have to do what Adam and Eve were unable to do. In other words, you must not fall but set the condition of love 100 percent. By absolutely loving the Trinity and setting the condition of love, all of you must become the second restored Adams and Eves.

This is the fourth condition.

It is to absolutely believe in the savior sent by God. It is to listen to and take action on the Word’ God and the Holy Son ‘gave through him. In John 5:24 Jesus said, “Listen to my words and believe in God who sent me.” It is to first, believe in and become one with the savior, then become one with God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son through him, and thus to love God, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Son.

Those who keep these four conditions and defeat Satan will always be overflowing with joy, love, hope, and peace, always be rewarded, be blessed, and receive Heaven’s inheritance, and furthermore, they will also receive material wealth and the treasure hidden in the field. So I bless you to be filled abundantly with love, thanksgiving, hope and peace by surely keeping and taking action on these conditions.

7/30/2015 10:08:42 PM