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Today on Happy News ! Jan.20th,2015

2015-01-20|조회 1,563

Dog In Seattle Rides Herself To The Dog Park Everyday...On Her Own

Her name is Eclipse, and she knows her way to the dog park very well.

Eclipse knows when and which bus to get on, takes a seat just like any passenger, looks out the window and knows exactly where to get off. One smart K9 ! The next thing you know she'll be doing your grocery shopping. 

Cat Saves Abandoned Baby In The Streets

A long-haired tabby cat in Russia is being held as a hero now. She saved the life of an abandoned baby in the streets after she climbed into the box he was discarded in and kept him warm.

And for reward, she's getting all kinds of goodies from the neighbors now.

Girl Thinks She's A Zombie... Guess How She Got Cured !

A girl in the states had a serious mental issue - she used to think she was a zombie !

So she picnicked at graveyards, watched endless horror movies, because she thought they were family!

The doctor’s fathomed it might have been caused by her parents’ divorce when she was 17, which might have had an impact on her mentality.

However she eventually came back to normal... not 'cos of the medication she's been on, but the because of the Disney cartoons she's been watching. She said it made her feel 'warm' inside. Great way to expel the cold-blooded! 

Now that her life is back on track. She wants to get married, and one day work in Disneyland !

Competitor's Noble Act Puts 200-Year Old Company Wiped Out By The 311 Tsunami Back In Business

In Japan, A 200 Year-Old Soy Sauce company run by the Kono family for generations got wiped out during the 3/11 Tsunami back in 2011. It was completely destroyed.

Now competitors are helping them rebuild their factory. Moreover,  one of Japan's largest department stores chose to pay more than the asking price for their products.The local bank manager even swore to protect the Kono family from going bankrupt.

Now call that 'the bigger love' !

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