알지오[방송공지] 공지사항

Today on Happy News ! Jan.13th,2015

2015-01-13|조회 1,397

Chinaman Leaves 1 Million RMB With The Police After Getting Fined For Illegal Parking

A Chinaman got pissed off when the police fined him three days in a row for illegal parking. So he provoked the police by leaving one million RMB at the police station and taking off in his BMW. Well the police aren't taking the money, and all the dude is getting is another punishment - a repentance letter for his behavior.

A Girl Asked For A Disney Frozen Doll For Xmas... Look What She Got !

See for yourself :


There’s A Reason Why Moms Don’t Like Leaving The Children With Daddy

Cos things like this happen:



Guy A Taiwan Passes Out "You're A Good Person" Fliers

We hate getting a handful of fliers from promoters on the street. A guy in Taipei, Taiwan decided to print his own fliers with the words 'You're a good person. Keep it up today as well!' on it. At first he gets rejected, people don't take the flier or either tear it up right after they get it. But then some people start seeing what's written on 'em... and they look back and smile.

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