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Today on Happy News ! Jan.6th,2015

2015-01-06|조회 1,394

Sixth Grade Teacher's Viral Facebook Post Taught Her Students An Important Lesson About Social Media

A sixth grade teacher in Tulsa, Oklahoma wanted to teach her students why it's not wise to post pictures of themselves in bras or sticking up their middle finger on social media. (Isn't that obvious ???)

So she wrote a letter and post it on Facebook, and asked people who saw it to re-post it.

In just hours the message went viral. It quickly reached 50 states, and even made its way into Australia, Saudi Arabia, and Germany.

But the lesson didn't just end there. The she deleted her original post to show her students that even though you delete a post doesn't mean it'll vanish 'cos copies will keep on circulating. And that's what happened, the post went viral!

Vet Performs $6,000 Surgery For Free To Reunite Family Before Christmas

A couple was forced to give up their dog after they couldn't afford a necessary surgery to able it to walk again.

They gave Lola (the dog) away to an animal rescue group, knowing that they will lose rights to visit Lola again.

Veterinarian Michael Wong learned what was going on, and he performed the surgery for free.

He talked to the people at the animal rescue group and picked Lola up to send her back on Xmas Eve!

Men's Best Friend - Cat or Dog? Cat In This Case

Five year-old Ethan was being bullied and pushed to the ground by some older boys when the family cat - Smudge pounced on the chest of one of the bigger boys. The boy and his friends were so stunned that they ran away crying.

And that's not the least of it. 

Smudge now sleeps at the door of Ethan's room ever since then. Sweeeeeeeet~!

Adopted 14 Year-Old Girl Writes Her Heartbroken Father The Most Beautiful Letter For Christmas

teen daughter letter to divorced dad

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