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Today on Happy News ! Dec.16th,2014

2014-12-16|조회 1,355

Time Magazine Announces Person Of The Year

Time Magazine has chosen a group of people over Taylor Swift, Vladimir Putin, the Ferguson protesters, Jack Ma(馬雲), Tim Cook for 'Person Of The Year 2014'. They are the ebola fighters - the doctors, nurses, volunteers who chose to stay at the front line of fighting the virus that has killed more than 6,0000 people to date. 

Their stories are more than we can imagine. Click to find out more:


New Product On The Market To Fix Your Bad Habits !

You'll never sleep in late again, unless you can stand an electric shock!

The Pavlok Wristband helps break your bad habits by electric shocking you whenever you are doing something 'BAD'.

And it only costs $199. Perfect present to electric shock your kids with for Christmas. "Look honey, I got you this beautiful wristband! Merry Xmas!"  ....................

A Police Officer Got A Letter From His Superior, And It Was Good.

On October 3, 2014, a chief of police wrote a letter to an officer after hearing what kind acts he did towards a woman and her two year-old son.

The letter reads:

On Friday, October 3, 2014, you responded to a domestic violence call where a male was arrested for striking his pregnant girlfriend. While another officer transported the male to the county jail, you continued assisting the family. You learned that during the scuffle, a bowl of noodles was thrown, wasting the only food this pregnant woman's two year-old son was to have for the day. You further learned that the woman only had some grapes and one diaper left for the entire weekend. They had no money and no transportation to a food pantry. In your report, you indicate, "I made some arrangements to ensure that ___ had enough food and diapers to get her through a few days." Yesterday, I learned what you really did when you "made arrangements."

Enlisting the help of your wife, you gathered some items from your church's food pantry and from your own home pantry. While your wife gathered these things, you went to the grocery store and, using your own money, filled your cruiser with food and staples like bread, milk, eggs, fruit, and diapers. The mother cried as you delivered her groceries.

Officer Kinney, the only reason I knew about the kinds acts of you and your wife was because another police department's employee's family member saw you at the grocery store. You were content not having anyone else knowing about your actions. I am not.

Your selfless acts are the epitome of human kindness and an example for the rest of us. Thank you for going the distance. I am so proud to work with you!

Great person, great boss !

Patrol Car Xmas Delivery!
Two policemen responded to a 911 call hang-up. Turns out it was a little child that mis-dialed and ended up telling the officers that their family didn't have money to buy a Christmas tree this year. Later on, the police came back at the front door step with a lovely present - a brand new Christmas tree!

The Story Of Two Chocolate Bars

George Emmerson is an old Canadian veteran. He served in Holland in 1945. In May, 1945, he met a starving man who was liberated from a Nazi labor camp. He cooked the man a meal, and reached down his pocket to give the man two chocolate bars that his parents gave him. They never met again.... at least for the next 70 years.

70 years later, one day Emmerson was at a furniture store. He was talking to the lady running the store and started talking about his story in the army. When Emmerson reached the part in 1945, the lady started sobbing. She said, "That was my father."

Emmerson visited the man he saved back in time. His gift to him was - two chocolate bars.

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