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Today on Happy News ! Dec.9th,2014

2014-12-10|조회 1,276

77 Year-Old Power Lifting Grandma!!

Willie Murphy is 77 years old, but there's no stopping her from picking up her own grandchildren, or carry her own groceries, because ...... she's a power weight-lifter. 

She's done training for four years, and now it's no longer just about health, it's about life as she puts it,

"That's the way I live my life, just trying to do my best." 

See her interview here:


Restaurant Owner In Florida Serves Free Soup To The Lonely On Xmas

John Baumgarten will be serving free homemade soup on Christmas day in his restaurant in Palmetto, Florida.

And he says on Facebook, 

“I’m doing it because I know what its like to be alone with nothing on the Holidays. I still have very little but I’m willing to share all I have with those who could use it.”

Wish I knew this guy when I was in college!

Poo Bus Hits The Road In Britain

A public bus in Britain is on the road, and it's powered by----- human waste, "POOH"!!!

But don't worry about the odor issues. 

Gas is produced at a sewage treatment plant, transferring "the stuff" into bio-methane gas.

On the other hand, it cuts 30% of emissions. So it's Poo-ly environmental, should we call it "green energy" or... perhaps "brown energy".. hehehe.....

Teddy Bears' Mugshots Taken For Lost-And-Found

Kids lose a lot of things on the train. And one of the things they leave behind the most are their teddy bears.

Thus a train company decided to take mugshots of these furry stuffed animals, and put them up on their website so that they could reunite with their little owners. 

Talk about good after-service! 

Westjet Airlines Comes Back Again This Year With Another Xmas Miracle

This time they're in the Dominican Republic. They put a sleigh machine in this small town where Santa shows up on the sleigh's monitor and asks what people want for Xmas. The town citizens make all kinds of wishes without knowing that they're all about to come true!

Check out the video for yourself:


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