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Today on Happy News ! Nov.18th,2014

2014-11-18|조회 2,274

Millionaire Businessman Touches The Heart Of People on Foreign Soil

A mid-aged Korean businessman who lives in Bahrain has caught the attention of the local residents there.

And if we didn't tell you, you 100% wouldn't be able to tell that he's a millionaire businessman.

Everyday, he starts walking the streets very early in the morning with a garbage bag and clip. He picks up all the trash that he sees, and even does recycling. And the only reason why he's doing it is because he thinks that a dirty environment makes people sick.

Three teenagers heard about his deeds and got up early with a camera group to cover the story.

Florida Pastor Break Guinness World Record Of The Longest Speak Ever

A pastor in Florida decided to raise money for alcohol and drug-addiction treatment. So he took on the world's record of the longest speech.

He continued preaching about the stories in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation which lasted 53 hrs 18 min. 

I wonder how many listeners actually lasted through the entire thing. hehe....

'God's Not Dead' Makes Big Bucks And Is Out With Its Sequel's Trailer

The faith based film last year cashed in $9.2 million on only 780 screens with a small small small budget of merely $2 million. And that prompted a sequel - "Do You Believe?" slated to hit theaters in 2015.

Here's the trailer : 

Maya Angelou Wished To Bring People Closer To God With Posthumous Album

Maya Angelou was born in 1928, she passed away this May. As an author, dancer, actress, singer, and most of all, iconic poet, she worked on a project for the years that led up to her death. 

It's called "Caged Bird Songs", a mix of her poems and commentary on social issues with hip-hop music. She brought in producer Shawn Rivera who worked with J.Lo and J.Hud in the past.

She once said in an interview, 

"I know that we would not have come together had it not been for the truth, that I'm a child of God. And whatever we do it will be wonderful, successful [and] it will achieve more than the three of us can imagine or either one of us could ever hope for."

May her wish come true that truly more people come to God with the melody of this album.

Maya, R.I.P.

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