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Today on Happy News ! Oct.21st, 2014

2014-10-21|조회 1,764

What On Earth Are People Praying for?

A survey conducted by 'LifeWay Research' shows that 48% of Americans pray each day.

However, what they pray for has a very wide variety. 

7% of people pray in the car for parking or to not get a speeding ticket.

13% pray that God will make their favorite sports team win.

21% pray to win the lottery.

Sadly, only 12% said that they are willing to pray for government officials.

As a whole, 80% say their prayers have been answered before while only 3% said it never happened.

Residents from southern U.S along with African Americans have a higher proportion of people who believe their prayers will be answered.

What's worth noting is, quoting Ed Stetzer, executive director of LifeWay Research – “Most people only pray when they need help, instead of based on an intimate relationship with God.”

You Could be 'Joke' Of The State !!

There's cameras all around you, from alley surveillance cameras to dash cams, they're everywhere! And that means you could be caught on camera anytime, anywhere!

This dude must have had some really good music on his ipod to have been dancing like this while he was waiting for a red light. Check out the link!


Minion Kid is 'Okay' !

Most kids would cry right out instantly if they fell face-down to the ground.  

But this kid is gonna change your thoughts ! Check out the Link!


BBC Has The Best Employee Training Programs - They Are Training For....??? WHAT !!!

BBC has a good reputation for internal training. And they're took it to a whole new level when they decided to teach their employees to learn how to use the iphone. (smirk) (my grandma learned to use her smartphone on her own)

Moreover, it's costing £200,000 in total. Talk about a good welfare program!

Bighearted Teacher Sends School Kids Home With Backpacks Of Food

Marvin Callahan is a first grade teacher who's taught for 21 years. Every morning he asks his students who hasn't had breakfast, and if not, he would send the kid to the cafeteria and buy him/her breakfast with his own money. 

Recently he started the "backpack program". Every Friday he and many volunteering retired teachers pack up backpacks full of food, and they hand them out to needy children to go home with. 

A regular guy taking a spectacular move ! God bless.

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