알지오[방송공지] 공지사항

5월 14일 영어 잠언

2013-05-14|조회 2,496

1. 성자의 기쁨의 전부는 ‘사랑’이다.

1. All of the Holy Sons joy is love.


2. 성자의 마음을  쪽으로 보아라. 한쪽은 기쁜 쪽이고, 다른 한쪽은 슬픈 쪽이다.

2. See the Holy Sons heart as two sides. One side is a joyful side; the other is a sorrowful side.


3. 성자가  기뻐하는지 보고,  슬퍼하는지 보아라.

3. Look and see why the Holy Son is happy and why He is sad.


4. 저마다 성자께 자기 마음을 알아 달라고만 하지 말아라. 성자는 마음을 알아주신다. 그러나 문제를 해결하려면, 자기가 성자가 원하시는 대로 행해야 된다.

4. Each of you, do not just ask the Holy Son to only understand your heart. The Holy Son understands your heart. However, in order to resolve the problem, you must take action in the way the Holy Son wants.


5. 새롭게 하는 것이  빠르다.  마음을 가지고 하느니, 모두 뒤엎고 마음을 새롭게 하여라.

5. Doing it in a new way is much faster. Rather than doing it with an old heart, turn everything around and renew your heart.


6. 전능하신 성자를 보고도 부족하다고 하며, 마음이 다른 데로 흐르는 자들이 있다. 이들은 성자를 일부만 믿는 자들이다.

6. There are people who say that it is not enough even after seeing the almighty Holy Son and whose hearts turn elsewhere. Those are people who only believe in the Holy Son partially.


7. 자기를 뿌리로 삼고 사는 , 사람들과 친하여 사람을 뿌리로 삼고 사는 자는 잎만 무성하고 열매 없는 나무와 같다.

7. Those who live making themselves as their roots, and those who are close to people and therefore live making people as their roots are like trees that have an abundance of leaves but no fruit.



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