영상_1분 묵상

Find out the promises you made to the Lord.

When something is not working out, there is a reason for that.
It is not working out because there is a 'condition' that God and the Holy Son gave you to meet but you did not do that.
There are many people who didn’t meet/set the condition that God and the Holy Son gave them because they did not do it at that instance and thus forgot it.
'Condition' is also a 'promise.' Therefore, you must pray and find it by praying.
If you keep the promise, [He] will do for you the things [He] will do for you.
Therefore, pray and find out if there are promises you made with the Holy Son that you forgot about and did not do.
Condition is like fixing a broken machine or a broken car by telling you which parts need to be fixed.
Therefore, 'if you keep/meet the conditions,' the problem cannot help but be solved. 


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